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A Program of NFI North, Inc.  
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About The Contoocook School

The Contoocook School was created in 2000 to serve New Hampshire’s school districts by providing a special education program that could serve students with specific emotional and learning needs (ED, OHI, SLD and Autism).  Students work within a positive peer culture to develop the skills that will help them be successful—at work, in their families and, whenever possible, back in their own school systems.  When the student cannot return to his/her own district, The Contoocook School awards high school diplomas.

The Contoocook School provides specialized educational services to students from nearby school districts. The school is centrally located in the State of New Hampshire.

CS map

The Contoocook School
40 Park Lane
Contoocook, NH 03229
Phone (603) 746-7702
Fax (603) 746-7551

From Route 89 in New Hampshire, take Exit 6 (Route 127) toward Contoocook/W. Hopkinton. Stay right on NH-127/Maple St. Turn left onto NH-103/NH-127/Main St. Continue on Main St for 0.4 miles. Turn Left onto Park Lane (next to the Contoocook Post Office).


Who is NFI North (NFI)?

NFI is a private, non-profit organization that provides innovative educational and human services to people in New Hampshire and Maine.  Other educational programs operated by NFI North, Inc., include The Davenport School, Midway Shelter and North Country Shelter.  For further information about any of these programs, call (603)746-7550. NAFI