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Welcome to NFI North’s Contoocook School


We are pleased to welcome you to the Contoocook School, a special education program certified by the New Hampshire Department of Education and operated by NFI North, Inc.  To help you understand the philosophy of our program, we would like to offer the following historical information:


¨      NFI North, Inc. has its origin in Northeastern Family Institute, Inc. (NFI), which was established in 1974 in Massachusetts by our founder, Dr. Yitzhak Bakal. 


¨      Dr. Bakal developed NFI more than twenty-eight years ago as a part of his work towards successful de-institutionalization and the subsequent need for community based care for children, youth and their families.


¨      Our philosophy is based on a social support approach known as the “Normative Approach.”  This approach calls for the creation of a positive peer culture in which all members—teachers, staff, administrators and students—work as engaged participants in the school community, and all actions are in support of the mission statement, “to value and respect ourselves and the community while learning and growing.”


¨      Direct communication and open feedback are imperative to the success of the “Normative Culture.”


¨      The Normative approach supports and empowers our students helping them to successfully learn and develop their social and academic skills.


On behalf of all of NFI, we welcome you to The Contoocook School.




The Contoocook School bases its program in what is known as the “Normative Approach.”  This approach is founded on the belief that people are social beings and want to belong to a group.  All groups have “norms,” which are a set of expectations regarding actions and behavior.  This network of expectations is generally unstated and learned through a process of observation in which a new member learns what is accepted and what is not accepted.


The Contoocook School provides an accepting, supportive and meaningful environment to engage students in learning in a positive community.  All of the students, teachers and administrators make up the community at the Contoocook School.  Values that determine the positive norms of the school include respect for oneself and others, acceptance, accountability, and caring.  Helping the community and making a contribution to the community are other norms that are recognized and promoted.  School staff constantly reinforce these values.  The combined result of all of these norms is the development of a safe, caring community in which students learn to help each other and to be productive.  This breaks the cycle of rejection and failure and creates a heightened sense of self-worth. 


Often students who have difficulty in public schools tend to gravitate toward an anti-social normative system and/or become isolated and withdrawn.  The Contoocook School will assist students in their growth by helping them to develop a set of expectations or a positive normative system that helps move isolated or antisocial individuals toward healthy values and ways of functioning as members of a group.   The expectations placed on and supported by the school create an environment for growth and change within the school setting. 


Real change is always difficult.  Within the Normative Approach, problems are seen as opportunities for growth.  For example, a new student may challenge the group by displaying inappropriate language or behavior.  His actions can give the group the opportunity to work with him and confront his negative behavior.  This has the impact of solidifying the positive norms and involving the new student in the group.  Norms are meant to be consistently examined and questioned.  Once the norms and expectations are met, the group must increase the expectations in order to continue the process of change.  Increased expectations are designed to move the group closer to accepted social norms.


At The Contoocook School, we will challenge students to be the best they can be, both academically and socially.  We understand that real change does not take place overnight and will continue to work diligently with students even when they themselves appear to have given up.  Our goal is to assist each student in achieving his/her goals, whether that is to return to his/her school of origin or to graduate from The Contoocook School.





The Contoocook School

Mission Statement:



To value and respect

ourselves and the community

while learning and growing.




The Contoocook School

40 Park Lane

Contoocook, NH  03229


Phone: 603-746-7702

Fax:  603-746-7551


Administrative Team


Nancy Pierce                          Program Director – Responsible for the entire operation of the Contoocook School.  Provides vision and leadership to staff and students.

                                                Principal of NFI North NH educational programs

E-mail address:            


Gregory Magoon                   Educational Coordinator – Responsible for the curriculum, educational staff, development of IEPs, liaison to sending schools.

E-mail address:            


Patricia Cash                         Clinical Coordinator – Responsible for short-term crisis management, liaison to outside therapists, assists in development of clinical goals, counseling for youth having challenges at the school.

E-mail address:            


Educational Team


Harold Jones                          Teacher, English and Language Arts

                                                Special Education Teacher

E-mail address:            


Gregory Magoon                   Teacher, Social Studies, Science, Transitions

                                                Special Education Teacher

E-mail address:            


Aaron Regis                           Teacher, Social Studies

E-mail address:            


Carlie Wardell                       Teacher, Physical Education

                                                Coach, Team Sports

E-mail address:            


John Healey                           Teacher, Mathematics

                                                Coach, Team Sports

                                                Advisor to Student Council



Melissa Lovetere                    Teaching Assistant

E-mail address:            


                                   Support Staff


Rita Blanchard                      School Nurse

E-mail address:            


Toni Adair                             School Secretary

E-mail address:            


NFI North Administrators


Jan Williamson                      Regional Director

E-mail address:            





























School Entry


When your child enters the school, the following will be required:  a birth certificate, a completed medical form, a copy of his/her immunization records, and several other releases.  This paperwork must all be completed before the first day of school. 


If any change has occurred in your address, telephone number emergency name of neighbor or relative, and/or work numbers, the school must be notified so that our office files can be kept up to date in case of an emergency.


All parents or guardians must identify valid back-up emergency contacts in case they cannot be reached.  Those contacts must be able to pick up the student if necessary.


Building Hours


The school is open for general use from 8:00 AM to 3:00PM.  Students may not be dropped off earlier or picked up later than these times.




If in the case of guardianship, the school should be notified in writing with specific instructions for communication. If restrictions exist involving custody, the school must receive a copy of the custody court order.


School Cancellation


On those occasions when inclement weather or hazardous driving conditions interfere with regular school opening, the Contoocook School will follow the status of Hopkinton schools.  School cancellations will be broadcast on the following stations:


WNNH           99.1 FM

WMUR           CHANNEL 9            

WNHQ            92.1 FM

WEVO                        89 FM                        

WZID             95.7 FM


If the opening of school is delayed, buses will follow the normal routes, one hour, one and a half hour, or two hours later than usual, as announced. There is no early supervision at the school.


Should a school day be canceled, the canceled day will be omitted and be made up at the end of the quarter.


When it is necessary to dismiss school early, (in the event of furnace failure, impending storms, etc.), parents or the designated emergency contact person will be contacted.


If your student’s sending school district is closed, but Hopkinton Schools are open, your student will not have transportation provided from your sending SAU.  Any absences for this reason will be counted as excused absences.


Absences and Tardiness


Regular attendance and punctuality are essential for the successful progress of your child in school. A child is expected to attend school unless he/she is ill or there is a family emergency. Students should be prompt in arriving at school. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to notify the school if a student is going to be absent.




It is important for the Contoocook School students to be in attendance at school every day. Any absence will have an effect on their learning. If it is necessary for a student to be absent, the parent/guardian should notify the school by 8:00 am on the day of the absence. Student absences can be reported before school hours by leaving a message on our message forwarding system.  As per the Minimum Standards for the state of New Hampshire, parents may excuse their students from school if there is a scheduling conflict, and those students may not be penalized for the absences. 


Attendance in grades 6 – 8 will be governed by the following policy:


After seven (7)  absences, the sending district will be notified,  and a parent conference will be held and documented. The Contoocook School, sending school district and parents will determine an appropriate plan to assist the student getting to school.


           Excessive absences will affect student grades due to participation standards for  

           class time.  If students are excused from class, they are responsible for making up

           the missed work.  If they do NOT make up missed work, those failures will affect their



For Grades 9-12


At the high school level, excessive absences may result in loss of credit. Seven (7) absences per quarter are allowed in a one-credit course; four (4) absences per quarter will be allowed in a one-half credit course. Any additional absences will result in loss of academic credit for the quarter unless otherwise specified in the student's individual education plan.


Students are responsible for making up the missed work whether the absence is

excused or unexcused.


The attendance policy at the Contoocook School is set to accommodate the needs of students with emotional disabilities. Absences that exceed the allotted number will significantly impact the student's ability to successfully meet the academic objectives set forth by the Contoocook School and the State of NH Department of Education.  In rare cases, the school district and the Contoocook School’s Administrative Team may determine that a waiver of this policy is in the best interest of the student.


If a student requires hospitalization, The Contoocook School will accept work completed in that setting toward the coursework in which they are enrolled.  If coursework cannot be done in the hospital setting, the management team, working with the sending district, will determine the best option for the student.


All Students:


In order not to be marked absent, the student must be present for two-thirds or more of the class. Three tardies exceeding 10 minutes  will be recorded as one absence. 


Students may appeal a loss of credit decision to the Educational Coordinator, who will schedule a meeting with the Administrative Team.


Students who miss a class for any reason must make arrangements for completing missed work within forty-eight hours of their return to school


If a student misses class because of behaviors, the teacher has the option of refusing to allow work to be made up..




No student can be dismissed from school without a note and telephone call from the parent/guardian requesting release. Students will only be released to parent or legal guardian, unless otherwise instructed by the parent or guardian.


If the parents are to be away on inclement weather days they should be sure that their child knows where he/she is to go in case of early dismissal.




In most cases student withdrawals require a change of placement meeting by the sending school district and the treatment team. Your child is officially enrolled at The Contoocook School until discharge documentation is provided from the sending school.


School Health Policy


All medication brought to school must be held in the nurse’s office. Medication should be delivered directly to the school nurse by a parent/guardian and should be held in a prescription container labeled with (1) student’s name (2) name of medicine (3) dosage (4) method of administration (5) time schedule (6) doctor’s name.


If you wish your child to have over-the-counter medications (Tylenol, Midol, etc.) parental permission must accompany the drug. The school nurse or designee will administer the medicine as directed.


Parents who are not able to transport medications must call a member of the Administrative Team or the School Nurse to make alternative arrangements.


If a student is too ill to remain at school, parents will be notified and transportation home will need to be arranged.  Parents who cannot transport their student must have a valid emergency contact.


The school nurse offers basic first aid treatment in case of illness or injury. Parents are always contacted if the injury is considered serious. Therefore, it is imperative that the school have current information concerning home phone, work phone, and correct address.




Please feel free to contact any staff member via phone 746-7702 or e-mail.  All staff e-mail addresses can be found at the beginning of this handbook.




Midterm progress reports will be sent home at the halfway point between two grading periods.  These reports are not meant to supply parents with details, but rather to indicate potential problems in the student’s academic progress overall.  We ask you to encourage your student to seek out his/her teachers to find out how to improve in courses in which s/he receives a warning.    


Grades are sent out quarterly and are accompanied by a detailed progress report which lists all the goals of the current IEP and details the student’s progress towards those goals.


Periodic notices about special events are sent home with the student but can also be e-mailed.


Parent Conferences


Parents may request a conference with a teacher or administrator at any time to discuss student progress. Teachers and administrators may also request a conference with a parent if the need arises.  Twice a year, a parent/teacher conference day is set up for all students. Any questions or concerns can be addressed at this time as well as during the school year.


Personal Space


At the start of the school year, students will choose a locker in the community room. This can be used for jackets, lunch boxes, etc.  While students are issued padlocks for their lockers, the school has the right to inspect lockers when necessary.


Dress Code


Clothing or physical appearance that is disruptive or interferes with classroom activities will not be permitted. Clothing which is suggestive and distracts from the learning environments is unacceptable.  This includes very short skirts or shorts, tops that show the midriff, revealing tank tops, or pants that are so loose fitting that underclothing can be seen.  Clothing should reflect key components of the school’s mission statement. (i.e.: value, respect) Students may be asked to wear school sweatshirts or clothing if the student's apparel is inappropriate.  Students may not wear hats or hoods in the building.




Students may bring a bag lunch if they like, or they may order hot lunch on a day-to-day basis.  A notice will be sent home detailing the price of hot lunches.  Any questions can be addressed to the school’s secretary.


The Bureau of Nutrition offers a free meal program for eligible students.  Information on this program is available from the school secretary.




Transportation is provided by the sending school district.  If the student will be late or absent, it is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to notify the transporter.  Please remember that, if you transport the student yourself due to an early morning appointment, transportation will need to be notified that the student will still need transportation in the afternoon.  If you are picking the student up in the afternoon, you will need to call transportation to inform them.


Student Parking Policy


All students are required to travel to and from school on their sending SAU’s transport or by parent/guardian.


If a student wishes to transport him/herself to school, please contact the school for vehicle authorization procedures.




Student Valuables


Students are asked not to bring any money or valuable items to school. This is the best measure to adequately protect against loss or theft. All students’ belongings need to be kept in their lockers.


Articles to Leave at Home


Knives, guns, lighters, smoking materials or any dangerous weapons are strictly prohibited as per New Hampshire law.  Students may not bring hand-held games into the building.  They may leave these items at the front desk with the secretary, who will return them at the end of the day.


When personal items are brought to school, there is a very real possibility that they can be lost, broken, or traded.  The Contoocook School is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged property.


When in doubt as to whether an item is appropriate to bring to school, seek clarification with school staff before sending it in.



Search Procedures


The school reserves the right to search students.  This is done for the purpose of maintaining a safe learning environment.  Searches will include going through personal possessions such as backpacks and purses, having students turn pockets inside out, and having shoes removed and checked for contraband.


Searches will be conducted if there is a question of physical safety, illegal substances, and/or theft.


Communication Devices (pagers, cell phones etc.)


Pagers or personal cell phones are not to be brought to school at any time. If a student brings in such an article, it will be held by school staff.


Students will not be permitted to operate or to have in their possession any device that causes disruption to the educational environment.


Telephone Use


The school office telephones are available for student use in emergency situations. The clinical team will assess the need for other phone calls.




We welcome parents and team members to visit the school at any time. Educators from other school districts and are welcome to visit as well. It is helpful to call prior to your visit to ensure that students will be in the building.


For students and visitors who are minors, visitation is permitted only if approved by a member of the administrative team prior to arrival. Admission to the building requires permission from parents/guardian of both the student and the visitor.


All visitors are to check in at the front desk and obtain a pass. Students are responsible for making the visitor aware of the school expectations.


All visits must receive prior approval  from the Program Director.


Lost and Found


All coats, sweaters, hats, lunch boxes, etc. should be marked with the student’s name. Unclaimed articles will periodically be donated to charitable causes.


Fire Drills


Fire drills are held throughout the school year. When the fire alarm sounds, students must stop all work immediately and follow the directions of the classroom teacher. Each student should:


1.      Follow the fire drill route from the classroom to the outside of the building.


2.      Be prompt and orderly getting out of the building.


3.      Leave the building in an orderly manner by walking quickly and quietly to the place the teacher indicates.


4.      Upon hearing the “all clear”, return to class in an orderly fashion.


Physical Education Guideline for Illness and Injuries


Students may have their physical education credit waived after proper documentation of a disabling condition is provided.  If the student sustains a short-term illness or injury (one or two days) the student will participate in alternative instruction.


Food and Beverages


Food and beverages are to be confined to the Community Room, and are NOT to be carried to other parts of the building. Students may expect that food or beverages outside of the designated area will be held by staff.  Students may not drink soda before noon.  We request that parents not permit students to bring large quantities of soda or any sugared or caffeinated drinks to school.




Field Trips


Various field trips will be taken during the year. Releases will be sent home and must be signed by a parent/guardian and returned before the field trip. If financial assistance is needed, please contact a member of the Administrative Team.  While participating on a field trip, the expectations for behavior are the same as those when the student is in school. New Hampshire State law prohibits smoking in public schools or on public school grounds. It is school policy that smoking on field trips is prohibited as well. Students are never allowed to drive themselves to or from field trip locations.




Donations may be made to our school district at any time. Donations of books and materials are an excellent way to contribute to the educational program. In the case of other types of donations, please contact the Program Director.   For tax purposes, NFI North, Inc, as a non-profit organization, will acknowledge in writing any financial donations and/or donations of equipment, books, and materials.








The following expectations are held for the Contoocook School students:


·         Attend school each day.

·         Arrive on time.

·         Attend each class period and assigned study hall.

·         Be attentive, cooperative and actively participate in each class.

·         Participate in school activities.

·         Respect the rights and property of others.

·         Respect the school’s property.

·         Remain in approved areas on campus.

·         Show courtesy to others at all times.

·         Behave in a socially acceptable manner.

·         Resolve differences/disputes in a non-violent way.

·         Behave in a safe manner when coming to and leaving school.






The purpose of the school-wide behavior management plan is to establish a positive school environment where the student is ultimately responsible for his/her own behavior. The school-wide plan is to provide consequences for positive and negative behavior. It is in effect both inside and outside the building and includes all authorized school activities.


The Contoocook School’s philosophy on discipline includes the following elements:


·         Discipline must preserve the dignity of all involved.


·         Belonging, mastery, independence and generosity are attributes that promote high standards.


·         Students are responsible for their actions and must be clearly informed of the consequences of both positive and negative behavior.


·         The aim of school discipline is to foster within students the essential internal controls to navigate the school day successfully, thus making the “discipline system” invisible.


·         Parents play a primary role in making the system work.


·         Discipline is a set of skills that all students can learn and use independently to help them become responsible members of the community.


School-wide discipline focuses on the Mission Statement. Behavior which students should exhibit include:


1.      Respect, caring, and courtesy for others, both adults in authority and fellow students.


2.      Pride in caring for school property, respect for the property of others.


3.      Cooperating with all school staff and fellow students.


4.      Maintenance of a safe, orderly and clean learning environment.


Students who display behavior consistent with the mission of the program earn points on a daily basis.  Those points may lead to the earning of special privileges.


Physical Restraints


On rare occasions it may be necessary for school personnel to restrain a student who is out of control.  All staff are trained in Crisis Prevention and Intervention techniques.  Two person, passive restraint is the only form of restraint used at the school and will only be used in the event of severe destruction of property, and/or the threat of physical harm to self or others. 


In severe instances law enforcement may be called and charges filed.




It is against the law for anyone under the age of 18 to possess or to use tobacco or tobacco products. The Contoocook School is a smoke-free environment and smoking is not permitted on any part of school grounds for either students or adults.  Students who smoke on grounds or who are found to be in possession of tobacco or tobacco products will have such items confiscated and parents will be notified.



Public Displays of Affection


School is not a proper time or place for acts of intimacy. Although the school recognizes the importance of peer relationships during adolescence, we request that public displays of affection towards other students take place outside the school.






In-School Access


Access to the Internet gives students an opportunity to use a wide range of electronic resources in their class-work, to pursue many different avenues of independent study, and to explore their own interests.


All students may use the World Wide Web to search information under the supervision of a staff member. An “acceptable use” contract must be signed by the student and parent/guardian prior to use.


Responsibilities of Internet Use


Every user of our Internet connection must accept the responsibility to respect the rights of all other network users, and to act in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner at all times.


Because in-school access to the Internet is a privilege, and because each student is personally responsible for his/her own actions on the Internet, unacceptable behavior will result in the suspension or revocation of Internet access. Some examples of unacceptable behavior are:


·         Using the school’s internet connection in ways that violate school policies and standards of behavior

·         Using the school’s internet connection for any illegal activity, including copyright violation

·         Using the school’s internet connection for personal, financial, or commercial gain

·         Disrupting or interfering with network users, services, or equipment; including hacking, cracking, sending chain letters or broadcasting messages to multiple lists or individuals (“spamming”), etc.

·         Using the school’s internet  connection to play games (unless approved by the classroom teacher)

·         Gaining unauthorized access to restricted resources or organizations

·         Sending, downloading, storing, or printing files or messages that are profane, obscene, or harassing

·         Forwarding or otherwise publishing personal communications without the consent of the person who wrote them.






THE FEDERAL FAMILY EDUCATION RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 (20 USCSL232g) and regulations adopted by the U.S. Department of Education (34CFE Part 99) grant parents of students, along with “eligible students” (a student or former student who has reaches the ages of 3-5 or one who has reached age 18 or is attending a post-secondary school) certain rights relative to educational records maintained by The Contoocook School.


These rights include the following:


First, parents may inspect and review the educational records of their children, and eligible students may inspect and review their own educational records.


Second, a parent of a student, or an eligible student, may request that the student’s records be amended and may request a hearing if the records are inaccurate, misleading, invade privacy or other rights of the student.


Third, the statute and regulations forbid disclosure of personally identifiable educational records without prior written parental consent, or prior written consent by the eligible student, except in certain specified situations.    


In order to implement the statute and regulations, The Contoocook School has adopted a written policy titled: Confidentiality/Access to Student Records. A copy of the policy may be obtained at the school.





Sexual harassment is offensive behavior that includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, as well as other verbal, physical and non-physical conduct and expressive behavior of a sexual nature. Sexually harassing conduct includes but is not limited to:


·         Communication of a sexual nature by electronic means, e.g. Internet, telephone, faxes.

·         Verbal abuse of a sexual nature.

·         Offensive sexual behavior.

·         Demands for sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt threats concerning one’s job, grades, letter of recommendation, etc.

·         Pressure for sexual activity.

·         Comments regarding an individual’s body, clothing, or sexual activity.

·         Leering at or ogling another’s body.

·         Brushing, touching, patting, or pinching.

·         The display anywhere on school grounds of sexually suggestive, sexually demeaning, or pornographic objects, drawings, photographs, or writing.

·         Commenting or inquiring about another’s sexual conduct or orientation.

·         Verbal abuse directed only at one sex, the content of which might not be sexual.



Complaint Procedure


The Contoocook School requires that all employees, students, and parents or guardians of students report incidents of sexual harassment to the Program Director.



Complaints may be filed as follows:


·         Any person may file a complaint.

·         Written complaints should be addressed to the Program Director.

·         Complaints may be made orally by meeting with the Program Director.

·         A complaint must include:

·         A description of the alleged harassment and any action taken

·         The date(s) on which the harassment occurred

·         The name(s) of the alleged harasser(s) if known

·         If the allegation of sexual harassment involves the Program Director, the complainant may contact the Program Director’s supervisor at the NFI North, Inc. office in Contoocook, NH


·         Other Agencies: The complainant, who is an employee, has the right to file his/her complaint directly with:

New Hampshire Civil Rights Commission

163 Loudon Rd.

Concord, New Hampshire, 03301

Telephone 271-2767.


The complainant who is a student may file a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, J.W. McCormack Post Office Building, Room 222, Boston, Massachusetts, 02109-4557, telephone 617-223-9667. Complaints must be filed within 180 days of whatever harm or event is reported to have occurred.





Zero Tolerance Policy


It is the position of The Contoocook School that there will be a “Zero Tolerance Policy” for behavior which constitutes any form of threat, harassment, possession of weapons and dangerous implements on school property or violation of state, federal and local guidelines on the use or possession or distribution of drugs, alcohol, or other controlled substances as outlined in the following policies.


All of these behaviors will be addressed immediately, and school personnel will follow New Hampshire law, which states that the possession of dangerous weapons and/or controlled substances will warrant police intervention.






Except as indicated below, no one may carry or possess on school property the following:


                        knives,  firearms, BB guns, antique guns, pellet guns, sharp instruments

                        such as ice picks, sharpened screwdrivers and sharpened pieces of metal;

                        flammable and dangerous (inflammable) fluids; mace; pepper gas;

                        explosives and items specifically made for hitting or throwing such

                        as brass knuckles, black jacks and martial arts items.


For the purpose of this policy, a firearm is defined in Section 921 of Title 18 of the United States Code.


It is recognized that there are unique occasions when a weapon or potentially dangerous implement may be appropriate on school property.


1.      In the possession of an on-duty law enforcement officer.

2.      On an off-duty law enforcement officer who is performing security duty.

3.      When a legally owned weapon is properly secured and out-of-sight in a vehicle driven on school property by a non-student adult.

4.      When professionals are using required tools and implements of their trade.

5.      In the case of a non-student adult carrying a legal knife.

6.      When groups have authorization to use school facilities and weapons or other implements described in this policy are used in conjunction with the activity.


The following sequence will be used when an unauthorized, dangerous implement is found on school grounds:


1.      In the case of a student, the weapon or implement will be immediately confiscated.

2.      Parent will be informed as soon as possible.

3.      Non-students in possession of a firearm or dangerous implement will be asked to leave school grounds. Names and or license numbers will be obtained if possible.

4.      The police will be notified in all cases.


Possession of a firearm on school property by a student will result in an immediate suspension and Treatment Team meeting. Students who bring dangerous implements to school – other than those defined as firearms – will be immediately suspended awaiting further investigation and disposition of the case. The Program Director and the sending school district will make recommendations to a student's education plan and placement consideration based upon the severity of the situation. The Contoocook School can terminate student enrollment if the safety of students and teachers is of concern.


Toy look-a-likes are also prohibited on school property. Although such items do not pose a physical threat, their presence could be disruptive and, in some cases, could be used to threaten others. Punishment for bringing look-a-like weapons to school could include suspension or expulsion, depending on the situation.


The prohibitions contained in this policy apply to individuals riding school transportation to and from school, and to or from school-sponsored trips and events. Bus drivers should make an attempt to confiscate firearms and dangerous implements they detect, and report the incident to the Program Director as soon as practical.


Excerpt from Title 18, Section 921 of the United States Code:


The term “firearm” means (a) any weapon which will or is designated to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; (b) the frame or receiver of any such weapon; (c) any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or (d) any destructive device…


The term destructive device means – any explosive incendiary or poison gas to include a bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more that one-quarter ounce, or a missile having an explosive or incendiary device. Also, any weapon which can be made to expel a projectile by the actions or an explosive or propellant and which has a barrel of more than one-half inch in diameter.






The use of alcohol or drugs constitutes a risk to students’ physical and mental health. Furthermore, the use of alcohol or drugs by students at The Contoocook School is illegal. Accordingly, alcohol or drug, USE, POSSESSION, DISTRIBUTION AND/OR SALE at any time while on school property, or while participating in any interscholastic events or any activity sponsored by the school, or en route to or from any school sponsored event are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN and will not be tolerated. Furthermore, The Contoocook School participates in the provisions of the Drug Free School Act.


Alcohol and drug dependencies are illnesses, and they pose a hazard that can interfere with a student’s ability to learn and function responsibly in the school setting. The Contoocook School is cognizant of the complex origins and manifestations of alcohol and drug use and dependency, and accepts responsibility for providing a comprehensive program to deal with this illness. This program will include the identification of drug and alcohol dependency, drug and alcohol prevention education, referral assistance for parents and students in cooperation with the Clinical Team and other appropriate services.




Persons under 21 years of age are forbidden by State Statute to possess or consume alcoholic beverages. Possession of illegal drugs (i.e. controlled substances) is also forbidden. Persons 21 years of age and over are forbidden by State Statute to provide alcoholic beverages and/or drugs to persons under 21.


1.      No one shall possess or ingest alcohol or a controlled substance, nor under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance as defined by the laws of New Hampshire, while on school property, while en route to or from any school sponsored event, or while participating in school activities.

2.      No one shall possess a “look-alike” (any pill or substance manufactured to look like the real drug) controlled substance for any purpose during the school day or en route to or from any school sponsored event.

3.      No person shall sell, share, or give to another student alcohol or a controlled substance or any “look-alike” substance on school property, or while participating in interscholastic events or any school sponsored event.






Simple assault shall be defined as an assault in which no serious physical injury results, is not aggressive or violent in nature, does not involve a strike to the head or groin or repeated punches or kicking.


Whenever an incident of simple assault or violence occurs, the school shall notify the parent/guardian, sending school district and IEP team members by telephone. Depending upon the specifics of the incident, local police agencies will be notified.







"In accordance with Federal law and USDA policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave. , SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410. 



The Contoocook School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Any person having inquiries concerning the school district’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act, or Section 504 is directed to contact:


Program Director

The Contoocook School

40 Park Lane

Contoocook, NH  03229



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All school personnel have a moral and legal obligation to report any suspicion of child abuse and neglect. Failure to comply with the New Hampshire law can result in legal action against the staff members involved. The Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) has trained professionals to investigate the reported suspicion (if warranted). School personnel are not trained to investigate and are not involved in the process. Their duty is to report, not to determine the validity of the suspicion.


The procedure for reporting suspicion of abuse and/or neglect is through the administration. If a staff member has a concern, he/she may discuss it with the school nurse, Family Social Worker, and/or directly with the Program Director. If staff members feel that a suspicion exists, he/she must report the suspicion to DCYF.   This is not an option; it is mandated by New Hampshire law.


The Program Director and/or Clinical Coordinator will make every effort to contact the parents to notify them that a report is being made. There will be circumstances when DCYF prefers that families not be informed of the report. One example is when DCYF determines that the child’s safety would be gravely compromised.


When notified, parents are encouraged to come to school to meet with the Program Director and/or Clinical Coordinator. The intake worker at DCYF can inform the parents what will happen next and answer any questions or concerns. All reports are addressed individually. Not all reports warrant investigation, but that decision rests with DCYF.


Reporting a suspicion of abuse and/or neglect is a painful process for all involved. It is a decision that is taken very seriously. If there are problems and stresses in the family, both the school and DCYF are ready to help the family and provide support services. The top priority is to enable children to remain safely in their homes with their families.



Illness, Suspension and Assessment


If the school nurse has determined that the student is too ill or injured to remain in school, parents may be asked to pick up their children and remove them from school property.  Parents must remove students when asked.  If they cannot pick the student up, there must be a designated emergency contact who will.


The Contoocook School makes every effort  to not remove students from school property for behavioral reasons.  Occasionally, a student will be suspended for a major infraction, usually one which involves a safety issue.  In these cases, the school will suspend for as few days as possible, and, when students return, they will be required to work in an alternative space—with full access to the curriculum and all academic services—until the management team determines that the student is ready to return to the school community.


If the Clinical Coordinator, in consultation with the management team, determines that a student is dangerous to him/herself or others, they may determine that the student must be assessed at the local hospital.  Because the staff of The Contoocook School are mandated reporters, they have the authority seek appropriate assessment in the event of a serious safety issue, but they will attempt to work cooperatively with the SAU and the parents/guardians.